12 RULES FOR LIFE - An antidote to chaos Prikaži uvećano

12 RULES FOR LIFE - An antidote to chaos

Jordan B. Peterson



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In this book of exceptional strength, you will find 12 very simple, but deep and wise rules that will help you put your thoughts, your personality and your home in order, and by working on your own improvement, you will also improve the whole world. "12 Rules for Life" is a book that fundamentally shakes modern accepted views, and will transform and elevate the heart and mind of every human being.

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Autor Josip Glaser
Izdavač Sandorf
Godina 2018
Uvez meki
Broj stranica 409
Format 15.5 x 23.0 cm
ISBN 9780141988511
Jezik Engleski

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Renowned clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson in this world bestseller answers the most difficult questions of life by connecting the truths of ancient traditions with the astonishing discoveries of the latest scientific research. In this book of exceptional strength, you will find 12 very simple, but deep and wise rules that will help you put your thoughts, your personality and your home in order, and by working on your own improvement, you will also improve the whole world.

Writing with a lot of humor, Peterson brings us an interesting and educational book full of surprising twists - it teaches us why we shouldn't complain to boys and girls while skating on fences, why those who criticize lightly have a hard fate and why we should always pet a cat when we meet it on the road. How can the lobster’s nervous system teach us about what body posture we need to take (straighten our backs!) And how to achieve success in life? What terrible paths do people take when they become bitter, vindictive and arrogant? Why do we need to put our own house in order before we start criticizing others? Why should we compare ourselves to who we were yesterday and not to what someone else was today? How will we find "happiness" and why should it not be our primary goal?

Jordan Peterson broadly explains his thorough argumentation by talking about discipline, freedom, adventure and responsibility - from the wise traditions of all cultures he has selected the most important and summed it up in twelve practical and deep rules on how to live a more meaningful life. The 12 Rules for Life is a book that fundamentally shakes modern generally accepted views, a book that will transform and elevate the heart and mind of every human being.

Poznati klinički psiholog Jordan B. Peterson u ovomu svjetskom bestseleru odgovara na najteža životna pitanja povezujući istine drevnih tradicija sa zapanjujućim otkrićima najnovijih znanstvenih istraživanja. U ovoj knjizi iznimne snage pronaći ćete 12 vrlo jednostavnih, ali dubokih i mudrih pravila koja će vam pomoći da dovedete svoje misli, svoju osobnost i svoj dom u red te da radeći na vlastitomu poboljšanju ujedno poboljšate i cijeli svijet.

Pišući s puno humora Peterson nam donosi zanimljivu i edukativnu knjigu punu iznenađujućih zaokreta - uči nas zašto ne smijemo prigovarati dječacima i djevojčicama dok se skejtaju po ogradama, zašto one koji olako kritiziraju čeka teška sudbina te zašto uvijek trebamo pogladiti mačku kada je sretnemo na cesti. Kako nas živčani sustav jastoga može poučiti o tomu kakav stav tijela moramo zauzeti (ispravite leđa!) i kako da postignemo uspjeh u životu? Kojim strašnim putovima ljudi kroče kada postanu ogorčeni, osvetoljubivi i arogantni? Zašto trebamo vlastitu kuću dovesti u red prije nego što počnemo kritizirati druge? Zašto se trebamo uspoređivati s time tko smo mi bili jučer, a ne s onim što je netko drugi danas? Kako ćemo naći „sreću“ i zašto nam ona ne smije biti prvotni cilj?

Jordan Peterson široko razlaže svoju temeljitu argumentaciju govoreći o disciplini, slobodi, pustolovini i odgovornosti - iz mudrosnih tradicija svih kultura probrao je ono najvažnije i sažeo u dvanaest praktičnih i dubokih pravila o tome kako živjeti smislenijim životom. 12 pravila za život knjiga je koja iz temelja potresa suvremena općeprihvaćena stajališta, knjiga koja će preobraziti i uzdići srce i um svakog čovjeka.

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