JOURNEY TO RUSSIA Prikaži uvećano


Miroslav Krleža


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The entries in this book were written by Krleža while traveling to Russia in October 1924, immediately after Lenin's death.  His journey by rail lasted six months and gave him a unique insight into the circumstances that prevailed in the then young creation of the Soviet Union at the transition to the Stalinist form of oppression.

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Pažnja: Posljednji artikli na stanju!

37,00 KM .


Autor Miroslav Krleža
Izdavač Sandorf
Godina 2017
Uvez meki
Broj stranica 241
Format 14.0 x 21.0 cm
ISBN 9789533510293
Jezik Engleski

Više informacija

The entries in this book were written by Krleža while traveling to Russia in October 1924, immediately after Lenin's death. His journey by rail lasted six months and gave him a unique insight into the circumstances that prevailed in the then young creation of the Soviet Union at the transition to the Stalinist form of oppression.

This essential text by Krleža was translated into English by Will Firth, one of the leading translators from South Slavic languages.

Zapise u ovoj knjizi Krleža je zapisao putujući u Rusiju u listopadu 1924., neposredno nakon Lenjinove smrti. Njegovo putovanje željeznicom potrajalo je šest mjeseci i dalo mu je jedinstven uvid u prilike koje su vladale u tadašnjoj mladoj tvorevini Sovjetskog Saveza na prijelazu u staljinistički oblik ugnjetavanja.

Ovaj esencijalni Krležin tekst na engleski je preveo jedan od vodećih prevodilaca s južnoslavenskih jezika Will Firth.

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