Ivo Andrić



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"The bridge on the Drina " is one of the greatest novels by the famous Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian writer Ivo Andrić. It was he who brought him the significant Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961. This historical novel was written in 1945 and chronologically follows the history of the Mehmed-pasha Sokolović Bridge on the Drina River. 

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Autor Ivo Andrić
Izdavač Nova knjiga
Godina 2017
Uvez meki
Broj stranica 405
Format 13.5 x 20.5 cm
ISBN 9788674707333
Jezik Engleski

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"The bridge on the Drina " is one of the greatest novels by the famous Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian writer Ivo Andrić. It was he who brought him the significant Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961. This historical novel was written in 1945 and chronologically follows the history of the Mehmed-pasha Sokolović Bridge on the Drina River. But this is not just a novel about a bridge. The bridge is just a motif around which Andrić builds a story about a place, culture, customs and people, at the same time revealing the history of the people, but also the destinies of individuals. The chronicle of the bridge and the town around it ends in 1914, that is, with the beginning of the First World War.

The story begins with the living conditions in Visegrad before the bridge was built, and then continues on its construction in the 16th century. He then talks about life in a town that is closely connected to the bridge. Passengers, merchants and locals pass through it. Every big event, whether happy or not, is marked by crossing the bridge. He falls in love with him and the unfortunates throw themselves at him. Many legends are related to him, for which Andrić gives us a real foothold, so that in the end the idea of ​​the transience of human life and everything he creates is emphasized, as opposed to the permanence and permanence of the stone bridge.

"Na Drini ćuprija" jedno je od najvećih romana slavnog bosanskohercegovačkog, srpskog i hrvatskog pisca Ive Andrića. Upravo on mu je donio značajnu Nobelovu nagradu za književnost 1961. godine. Ovaj povijesni roman napisan je 1945. godine i kronološki prati povijest mosta Mehmed-paše Sokolovića na rijeci Drini. Ali ovo nije roman samo o mostu. Most je samo motiv oko kojeg Andrić gradi priču o jednom mjestu, kulturi, običajima i ljudima, istovremeno otkrivajući povijest naroda, ali i sudbine pojedinaca. Kronika o mostu i kasabi oko njega završava s 1914. godinom, odnosno s početkom Prvog svjetskog rata.

Priča počinje s uvjetima života u Višegradu prije nego je most sagrađen, a onda se nastavlja na njegovu izgradnju u 16. stoljeću. Nakon toga govori o životu u kasabi koji je usko vezan uz most. Preko njega prolaze putnici, trgovci i mještani. Svaki veliki događaj, bio sretan ili ne, obilježava se prelaskom preko mosta. Na njemu se zaljubljuje i s njega se bacaju nesretnici. Mnoge legende vezane su uz njega, za koje nam Andrić daje i stvarno uporište, da bi na kraju ostala naglašena ideja o prolaznosti ljudskog života i svega što on stvara, naspram postojanosti i trajnosti kamenog mosta.

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